Obviously, discussing doctrine creates opportunities for disagreement. Our site content contributors are happy to answer questions as time permits. Simply email the email address below with any questions you have regarding content. We will review every email and attempt to follow up with you. We do not presume to have all the answers or to be entirely knowledgeable of all things doctrine. Our number one priority is to keep the theology presented here as “clean” as possible. By clean we mean free of assumption, Christ Anchored, (if an idea disagrees with anything Jeus said, the idea is wrong) free of denominational rhetoric and absolutely biblical. As an example, you will hear us say over and over again, “you must be born again”. This is an absolute truth. It is undisputably true that the phrase, “you must be” clarifies your personal responsibility to answer a CALL TO ACTION. The action that results in New birth is not disputable. All that said shoot away, ask questions, reprimand us and share.

